Lego Icons set 10305 Lion Knights' Castle

Set Lego Icons 10305 Lion Knights' Castle

Details of Lego Lion Knights' Castle set

  • Set name: Lion Knights' Castle
  • Set number: 10305
  • Number of pieces: 4514
  • Number of minifigures: 22
  • Category: Castle
  • Release date: 2022

Best prices for the set Lego Icons 10305 Lion Knights' Castle

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Add the set Lego Icons 10305 Lion Knights' Castle to your collection

You want to add the Lego set 10305 Lion Knights' Castle to your Lego Icons collection or to make a gift to your child without spending all your money?

Do it thanks with! Our website is a Lego price comparator which finds the best prices on the market to buy the 10305 Lion Knights' Castle Lego set at cheap price!

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Image of Lego set 10305

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